Monday, December 5, 2011


I wouldn't quite say I'm a pessimistic person, but lately I've been down in the dumps to say the least. It's not that I have a terrible life. It's quite the contrary, in fact. However, my outlook on life is being altered by dreaming too big. I know people always say to have big dreams so I can accomplish a lot, but I think that philosophy is corrupt. Dreaming big only sets people up for let downs. I say dream realistically. When I dream realistically, I can accomplish things and get the same satisfaction I'd get as if I accomplished something huge. Either way, it's the feeling of accomplishment. The only difference is the plausibility of the dream. I have a greater chance of accomplishing smaller things, especially at my stage of life, than mammoth things. Here is where the "baby steps" concept comes into play. As life progresses and my resources grow, my goals and ambitions can slowly increase. As this happens, the probability of accomplishment stays constant as the level of the goal increases. I don't want to shoot for the moon when I know it is impossible for me to reach it right now.

1 comment:

  1. baby steps out of the office. baby steps onto the elevator. baby steps down the street.

    Australia is big!
