Monday, January 23, 2012


Today I concluded something about myself: I HATE cussing. There are several reasons as to why. There are completely suitable words that may be used in place of cuss words. These words are simply pointless and replaceable. The purpose of cuss words is to be derogatory and hurtful. I know those who do not seek to be Christ-like cannot relate to this as well as we who do, but we are very simply commanded to "Let no corrupting talk come out of our mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." in Ephesians 4:29. I do not think cuss words fit this category, and if that is not reason enough to hold back from uttering foolishness, I'm not quite sure what is. I used to view them as just "part of our culture" and "just words"... but words are incredibly impacting. There are countless verses warning us of the powers of the tongue and claiming foolishness to those who cannot and do not control their "double-edged sword." Cursing is not attractive in the least. It is screaming "I do not know any other words to say but these dirty words." Who would want to subject themselves to that low mentality level? Certainly not me. Simply put, cursing is juvenile, unsophisticated, sinful, and hurtful.